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EMDR, Adjunct EMDR and Intensives

Depression and Anxiety

The EMDR treatment approach 

EMDR, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, is called a "Phase Model" approach to trauma, to distinguish the treatment approach as a whole from the intervention phase of EMDR that targets the traumatic memories for "reprocessing."

The EMDR intervention phase is when the “reprocessing” of traumatic events and memories happens in a very specific way. Traumatic, or distressing, memories are activated while engaging the nervous system in alternating bilateral or dual attention stimulation (most commonly eye movements, tapping, or sound). By distracting the nervous system in this way, the heightened stress response is reduced, which allows the brain to resume the process of integrating past memories in a healthy way. The fight, flight, or freeze response to the distressing event is released, and the memory of the traumatic experience can become incorporated in its proper time and place of your life story. 

If you wish to work with me as your primary EMDR therapist, we will journey together   through the EMDR phase model on your path of trauma healing.

moss and pine needles

Adjunct EMDR and EMDR Intensives

EMDR therapy lends itself particularly well to adjunctive therapy. Occasionally, as your work in therapy deepens, you may come up against a “trauma wall,” a roadblock where the nervous system hijacks your therapy process and prevents forward movement.

Mini-Intensives and extended sessions provide an efficient way to get around those “trauma walls.” The EMDR Intervention phase can be seamlessly “outsourced” in bigger chunks of time, at a less frequent or as needed pace, while your primary therapist continues to provide your current treatment without interruption. In practice, this might look like a period with more frequent, extended sessions during the week, or a half day or full day Mini-intensive once in a while when things feel stuck in your treatment. It could be a Mini-intensive once a month, or every two months for limited time, in addition to your weekly therapy sessions. You and your primary therapist can then assimilate and make sense of whatever may arise in the EMDR Intensives, in the context of the secure therapeutic relationship and therapeutic approach you have established, if you so choose.


If you would like further information on EMDR Intensives, please request my Info Sheet on Adjunct EMDR explaining the process in more depth for you and your primary therapist.

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